Septic Tank Aerators

Aerobic septic tank systems require a proper septic tank aerator for assisting the process of clarification of the waste water. The aerators turn the septic tank system into a small wastewater treatment plant. The septic aerator pump puts air in a holding chamber that is present in the septic tank. The air that is introduced into the tank by the septic air pump creates an atmosphere where many different types of bacteria can grow. The bacteria created in the septic tank breaks down the waste water and make it harmless for the environment. It is always recommended to the owners to have a properly functioning septic aerator pump for the aerobic septic tank system.




Benefits of Septic Tank Aerators

Aerator pump for septic systems provides a high level of wastewater treatment within the aerobic system. It provides more protection than other septic tanks which do not have aerators. As I have mentioned before that the air that is pumped into the tank with the help of the septic tank aerator pump provides oxygen for the growth of different bacteria. This bacterium is capable of breaking down several waste materials and converting those wastes into the less harmful material. The oxygen provided by the pump acts as a catalyst and accelerates the process of decomposition. This reduces the frequent need of maintenance of the septic tank. The oxygen stops the occurrence of fermentation so the production of toxic chemicals is less. The end result is very beneficial for leach fields. Aerators can be installed easily in low standard soils like clay or rocky soils. The installation does not require any kind of soil.  The aerobic system recycles the waste water from sinks, showers, baths, and use them to water the lawn. The system treats these waste waters and then transfers it to the sprinklers that spread the water in the lawn.

Septic Tank Aerator Made Easy For You!

Are you wondering what you should be doing after you’ve already made an aerobic septic system installation? Are you feeling helpless as to how to deal with this new installation?



What Is Septic Aerator?

Most modern aerobic septic tanks require a septic system aerator in the clarification process of the septic tank. The septic aerator in this particular process plays the part of converting your septic system into a smaller version of a wastewater system plant. The septic air pump is important as it pumps air into a sort of holding chamber, in the septic tank itself. This air that is introduced into the septic tank causes the growth of bacteria which in turn breaks the wastewater rendering it environmentally harmless.

The Need For Aerator For Septic Tank


If you have already installed an aerobic system septic tank, without the help of an aerator, it is impossible to make it work properly. There is no way of cleansing your septic tank without the help of this aerator. Ignoring the expense of this machine will cost you heavily as it will seriously harm the hygiene standards of your septic tank. Without this facility your aerobic septic tank is of no use at all. Besides, you will be doing a lot of environmental damage in cleansing the septic tank without the aerator for which you might even be fined by the municipal corporation. So this is the time to make the proper investments and make the necessary changes.

Advantages Of An Aerator

To summarize, here are the benefits of an aerator:

  • The septic tank aerator makes you environmentally aware by changing the wastewater potentially harmless.
  • You will save yourself from the fines imposed for not installing this system.
  • It is an inexpensive addition to your hygiene standards, as with the help of a septic tank aerator motor, you can make the clearing process easy and accessible.

How To Install Septic Tank Aeration System?

Like your age, septic tanks too age. But what to do after a septic tank aerator expires? Is it the end to the septic tank system in the house? No! Never can there be end to septic aerator. You can install a whole septic tank by yourself. But how is that possible! Well, the whole system is quite easy to be installed. This will help you increase the efficiency of the existing pump. Also, you save quite a few bucks which would otherwise be used had you given the responsibility to a professional team. Let’s look at the stepwise process of installing an aerator for septic tank.




  • Read the instructions

Before you touch your new septic tank motor, carefully read all the instructions as has been provided in the manual. Check if you have all the tools and equipments in hand. In some cases, you may require to add an electrical connection for the easy going of your septic tank. Reading the instructions one after the other will help you goes through the process smoothly.

  • Plan for future access

You can also install a septic tank riser kit. This entirely depends on the model of the septic tank that you are installing. If this kit is incorporated you can be sure of future repairing and maintenance.

  • Cover the wires

Although these systems are safely set, yet for extra security, shield and cover the electric wires. Covering will prevent them from getting hold of moistures, and weather conditions. Also, needless to be mentioned is the prevention factor of we humans from stepping into accidents caused by electrical wires.

  • Add a filter

 During installation, it is better you add an effluent pump filter. This will limit the amount of solid waste that can leave the septic tank clean. It is recommended to use a septic tank riser to increase the efficiency of the pump.

Uses Of Septic Tank Aerator

Septic system has nowadays become a very common requirement today. It is a well known self-contained sewage treatment system that enables smooth as well as easy living. In order to carry on with its smooth functionality, regular maintenance is required at the best. Inclusion of a proper working septic tank aerator will ensure smooth working of the entire septic tank in an efficient manner. Such especially designed system will help a lot in adding more oxygen into the entire system thus leading towards better breaking down of waste materials. More amount of oxygen will definitely contribute in smooth functionality of the system.

Elimination Of Bacteria – Essential

There are various types of bacteria that are found into a septic tank. They are none other than aerobic, facultative as well as obligate anaerobic. Each and every type of bacteria is found in a septic tank. If it is left unattended, then it may finally lead towards coming out of a pungent odor. In such a case, septic aerator will definitely prove to be of great help. It will lead towards sufficient supply of oxygen in order to prevent further growth of bacteria. If you are planning to replace your current tank, then it will be better to go with an aeration tank.




Where The Aerator Is Located?

Want to know where the aerator is located? Generally, the septic system aerator is located in the middle chamber of the septic tank. Also, it requires an electrical source in order to operate in the best manner. In case of a large oversized tank pump and bubble system! An aerator will definitely prove to be of great help. It will definitely provide a constant supply of oxygen rich air into the effluent thus allowing easy destruction of bacteria. Regular maintenance will definitely prove to be of great help!